28 February 2006

for all yall out there...

I received this text message from my friend Nikki last nite:

Celebrate Black History Month
slap 5 white people by tomorrow

So now, we've got about 5 more hours left on the east coast. Don't miss your quota people! Happy Black History Month!

24 February 2006

please hammer just hurt 'em!

I'm still at work, there have been no tours today (sigh), but I made such a neat discovery I just had to write a blog about it (wanna hear it, here it goes...)

MC Hammer has a blog!! wow! and it looks like he's talking about dancing and stuff - how cool is that?!? Just to share a bit of my MC Hammer nostalgia - I had one pair of parachute pants, they were of such importance and symbolized such an uplifted status to me that I wore them to my tryout to get into karate class when I was in the third grade. They were some awful multi-color combination madness, had a matching top too that was a double layer white tee with a tank top of the same print over it. Thinking of that visual in my mind makes my eyes hurt. To top THAT off I think theres even this picture of me posing in the outfit with my rollerblades on. o dear

o yeah - annnnd - one of my cousins was one of his turntable people. He was in the background when Hammer and his troupe were on Oprah - I happily spread that word around my class for about a week. He now is a DJ on the radio in Jackson or Hattiesburg, MS.

ahhh MC Hammer - I still know all the words to his songs

23 February 2006

re: fwd: gettin to know you 2006

  • What time did you get up this morning?
    my alarm went off at 705, then i finally got up after 10 minutes of my cat ashlee pawing me

  • What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
    Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

  • Your favorite TV show?
    The Young and the Restless, Boondocks, project runway

  • What did you have for breakfast?
    poptarts, cold - which whenever I eat them at work people look at me like i'm crazy and ask how can u eat those cold? its not like they're raw, jeez

  • What is your middle name?
    Caresse - which I didnt know how to spell till I was about 10

  • What is your favorite cuisine?

  • What foods do you dislike?
    eggs make me gag, even the smell (b/c i never ate them cos i was allergic when i was little) and food with weird consistency: jello, cottage cheese, some cheesecakes

  • Your favorite Potato chip?
    I'm more of a dorito person

  • What is your favorite CD at the moment?
    woke up with David Bowie in my head this morning, wanna get maximo park's album tho

  • What kind of car do you drive?
    Kia Sephia

  • What characteristics do you despise?
    passive agressiveness, shady-ness, smelly ness

  • Favorite item of clothing?
    my diesel knit cap - which i'm sent into a panic every morning when i can't find it in my room

  • If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go?
    i'm in the begining stages to devise a plan to flee the country if i dont get into grad school - first stop - london

  • Where would you want to retire to?

  • Where were you born?
    clinton, maryland

  • Favorite sport to watch?
    football and football (soccer)

  • Who do you least expect to send this back?
    its on a blog silly

  • Coke or Pepsi?
    always coca-cola

  • morning person or night owl?
    Night owl

  • Do you own any pets?
    the aforementioned ashlee and her son bookey

  • What did you want to be when you were little?
    archeologist - did that

  • Favorite Candy Bar?
    when there's a hunger inside me i reach for a milky way

  • What are the different jobs you have had in your life?
    forget my life, how bout the past year or so: archeologist, book seller, magazine specialist, tour guide, intern for non-profit, docent, dog washer

  • Nicknames:
    tish, tisha, netis baggins of the shire, tishlet (thats the newest one), midge, runt, tweety, meanie mouse (when playing shooting games)

  • Eye color?
    brown piercing eyes

  • Ever been to Africa?
    my friend dazz and i thought to meet up in egypt one summer while I was in Italy and she'd be in South Africa, thought it was the midpoint, never happened

  • Been in a car accident?
    wasnt my fault

  • Favorite day of the week?
    any day i can sleep in

  • Favorite restaurant?
    hmm, sushi taro, my newset venture, no wait teaism, in the US anyway

  • Favorite flower?
    dont like flowers

  • Disney or Warner Brothers?
    if ur from the dc area u were required to own some warner bros paraphenalia

  • What color is your bedroom carpet?
    i dont think its visible right now, ugh disgusting

  • How many times did you fail your driver's test?
    i think i failed the written test to get my permit the first time

  • Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
    hmm...wal-mart or target would be practical - but in the true spirit of the question - diesel

  • What do you do most often when you are bored
    well now i blog - in extreme boredom i put stuff on my walls in my room

  • Last person you went to dinner with?
    went to happy hour with friend and coworkers

  • What are you listening to right now?
    my dave matthews band disc is in the minidisc player

  • What is your favorite color?
    red-orange - the great retired crayola color

  • Lake, Ocean or river?

  • How many tattoos do you have?
    my first one will be a yin-yang with my initials in it with an inscription around it from the Tao of Pooh

  • Which came first the chicken or the egg?
    depends on your cultural conditioning

  • If you could be anyone who would you want to be?
    my twin - i wonder what my twin would be like if i had one
  • 20 February 2006

    the first one

    Last week my friend Dazz was the first from my closest of college friends to get engaged. It is not a big surprise, but still very pleasent. :) It's funny cos before, or around the time we were all gonna graduated we started a verbal office pool of who amoungst us would be the first to get married, divorced, pregnant and all that. And Dazz was on top of everones list to get married first. The bettin only got interesting once we moved onto who would be second and third. Somehow those crackheads think I'm in the running for that - ha!

    Ahh here's to another upcoming trip to Chi-town! congrats dazz!!!!

    17 February 2006

    the best 'buddy' movie

    Have you seen Planes, Trains and Automobiles? To see even the last 15 or 20 minutes of it is to witness greatness! I dunno bout u, but seeing big fat John Candy being such a sad sad lonely man pulls at my heartstrings. I wonder how he ranked his performance in this film - was it a personal best, or am I thinking too much and it was just 'meh...', anyhoo...

    15 February 2006

    Where is the love?

    Yesterday was Valentine's Day. Isn't there some kinda strange twist to how the ancient god of love and Cupid actually snatched people's hearts out in some Indiana Jones-esque move for love, or something? I dunno, anyhoo - my Valentines was cool - I got tipsy with a bunch of other 20something girls and watched both Bridget Jones' movies. That's all it takes to make my Valentine's Day: 2 vodka and sprites, a beer, and 2+ hours of Colin Firth, lol.

    But before that - I witnessed some yang that balanced out the yin of that night. As I walked through Farragut during rush hour - there was the traffic director in the middle of the street. This time she wasn't doin too well - letting cars sit in the intersection, and stop on the crosswalk. And just as I was thinking that, one bus passes by and the driver yelled something at her. I thought it was a 'yeah, traffic sucks today, hang in there' supportive type thing - but then another bus comes from the other direction and I can more clearly hear a very angry comment coming from him. I guess he was telling her how to do her job - which was messing up his whole flow because the busses can't run on time if she cant keep traffic moving. So as I'm crossing the street she's yellin at the bus driver, and he's yellin at her. It's kinda comical and kinda sad - I hope she at least got treated to some extra big box o chocolates or somethin when she got home.

    11 February 2006


    Between Christmas and New Year's I was in Mississippi. I think I must've gone at least once a year every year of my life - and twice or more for the years that were skipped. I often end up in Mississippi cos my whole family is from there: mom and dad are from Ellisville and/or Laurel. In my view they're mostly the same thing to me, and I know the difference but in here we can just mush them together. So anyhoo - there is always the possibility at some holiday time or a random week in the summer or family reunion, I will be in Mississippi.

    This end of the year visit had a purpose for a "gathering" encouraged by my aunt for my grandma. Ellisville and Laurel is about a hour up from the coast - so Katrina did go through the town (even as a Category 1 FEMA still hasn't fixed the damage as of December). This noticeably effected my grandma - my aunt said her spirits had been low ever since the storm and it'd be nice for all the grandchildren and greats and erebody to come on down to Currie Settlement for the "gathering." And so we did.

    Another preface before the visit was that grandma's well being seemed to be diminishing - like showing signs of Alzheimer's or dementia or something. So, sure enough when we arrived from the road v early in the morning at like 5 am, Grandma was coming outta her room and a look of un-recognition/confusion was on her face when she looked at me. This deepened as more people came into the back (her two sons) - but I didn't think much of it - it was 5 frickin in the morning and she had just woken up, I'm sure she wasn't expecting her sons and grandkids that lived 1000 miles away to be in her house that morning - I'd be confused that early too. But as the week wore on (and they do pass slowly down there) Grandma seemed a bit more delicate. My sister kept saying that she never said her name the whole time she was down there - more my sister's fault than my aged Grandma - she hadn't been down there in years. neways... there was this moment that has stuck with me -

    it was the most direct, complimentary, moment-of-clarity thing my grandma had ever said to me. She asked how was my job - I reminded her I worked at a museum and said it was good, then she said: I always thought Trish would be a doctor, she was always quiet and smart, had a good mind on her... Now to understand, well one - my grandma has never called me by my right name (dad gave up seriously trying correcting her years ago). But what went through my mind when she said that - I was stunned, and didn't know what to say. Just think, for my grandma's generation (I guess she's part of Brokaw's 'greatest') when women were all housewives, or in MS black women could be less than that - sharecropping with their children on their backs - a doctor, I'm thinking in her mind would've been the highest, most prestigious thing to become, even greater than being the president. So that's the enormity of that comment towards me - I think I mumbled thank you grandma, a more confident me would've struck up a dialogue about how she was right - I had always wanted to be a doctor when I was little.

    So now - this past week, one of my cousin's called my oldest sister to say grandma was in the hospital (she's gotten better), and they had actually diagnosed her with Alzheimer's. Don't know how to feel about it really...but I'm happy to have had that moment to remember if it all goes downhill from here.

    08 February 2006

    I am a Comic Book Fan

    Today, after an almost 2 month abscence, I went to my comic book store. I even have a subscription service where they pick out the comics I read and put them aside in my very own pile - or folder - or whatever contraption they have behind the counter. My comic book dude's name is Howard - who, I am ashamed to say - name I did not know or remember for the first three months I went there. Wow - so I've been going there for about a year now!

    My comic book store is in Old Town. It is basically a hole in the wall - one room with one street facing window. Every inch of the 2 shoppable walls are taken up by comics (books, trades, graphic novels), the space in front of the window is stacks of older comics; the other wall is where the cash register is, and in the middle are two spinning racks overstuffed with the latest issues of the books. Somw would call this cramped, or charming, maybe even a mess - I call it heaven! no, not that cheesy - I call it awesome. My comic book store isn't a polished, hip, neon lights, inuyasha display thing - its just a comic book store, make that strictly a comic book store. Where could they possibly fit that wretched manga?!? And that's why its awesome - it's got a humble 'lived in' feel to it.

    Howard - my comic book dude - is also the coolest comic book purveyor ever. He quickly memorized my name (which probably wasn't too hard as I think I'm the only female black 20something that is a regular customer). Whenever u walk in during the week there's always this obscure-old-hard-to-find live recording of music from Howard's collection - and its all great! He's so cool! So that adds to the whole lovability to the place.

    I've had about 1 1/2 other comic book stores in my life. The first was the Newsstand on the highway - which had absolutely no rhyme or reason to display its comics. I was never picking up the same series, I just got whatever looked cool - something to spend my allowance on. Then there was Universe - something Universe? I think it was called - in Springfield Mall. That was the first proper comic book store I remember seeing. To go along with the boom/peak of comics in the early 90's the store was shaped like a star trek spaceship, had neat lookin displays, they even sold Pogs! ahh pogs, remeber those? sigh, anyhoo - in the end who needs all those doo-dads and gizmos? my comic book store now is the greatest

    yeah, so I guess this should've been called why I love my comic book store - o well

    06 February 2006

    What is this supposed to be filed under?

    "Among the Leavers, crime, mental illness, suicide, and drug addiction are great rarities. How does Mother Culture account for this?"
    "I'd say it's because...Mother Culture says it's because the Leavers are just too primitive to have these things."
    In other words, crime, mental illness, suicide, and drug addiction are features of an advanced culture."

    -Ishmael: An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit, Daniel Quinn

    So I finished my latest Metro book - Ishmael. Aside from all the mindboggling thoughts and revelations and epiphanies and such that went trough my head as I was finishing it, I also had a simpler question: where is this book supposed to go on the bookshelf?

    I used to work at that horrible book chain based outta Alabama and they simply put it in the fiction section. Can we Daniel Frey this book and question it as a true piece of fiction? I think Daniel Quinn should go on Oprah and have her take up the cause of getting powerful book chains to remove the book from its fiction shelves and put it somewhere more appropriate. Ideally the social science/anthropology section? at least have it in philosophy!

    And this book was reccomended to me when I worked at that horrid store cos he knew I was an anthropology major. I think I looked at him like he was crazy when he told me there was a gorilla involved, but I bought it anyway, and just got around to reading it. So now I'm also thinkin... why wasn't this in my introductory anthro class in college? or better - it could've been a neat excersize in culture theory, but my professor was nowhere that creative.

    what an amazing book

    02 February 2006

    Doug Funny!!!!!

    One of the great cartoons of my youth is back on again yall - DOUG!!! As I was flippin through the channels at 2 today - I passed cartoon network that surprisingly had old Scooby Doo on (made a mental note) but then Nickelodeon was next. Now... I have personally avoided that whole channel since I was like 16? I guess...I was part of the target audience when they started their first package of clumped together cartoons (damn - forgot what they called those 2 hours on saturday mornings). But the block included Doug, Rocko's Modern Life, Ren & Stimpy, Rugrats <-- this was the original, or at least second generation of the programming block, not in that order. Then Ren & Stimpy got too weird for Nick, Rugrats kept repeating episodes, Rocko changed its theme song - so then they brought in the new generation of toons: Ahh! Real Monsters (which I personally refused to watch b/c that was the show that originally replaced Ren & Stimpy), Hey Arnold, and around that time is when either Cartoon Network was created and those new toons just weren't good enough for me. So, like I started out saying - I basically dont watch Nickelodeon anymore - 'cept for the scant Spongebob Squarepants episode, which is actually brilliant.

    But to my surprise when I skipped over Scooby and came upon this cartoon that had a woman speaking into a microphone, but something in her animation was very familiar. The figure was simple, but the color of her skin was some off pastel-ish color, and her hair was one big piece with squiggly lines. Then I heard the music... or the sound effects. There was this vocal humming and like the sound of a mouth popping, and my eyes brightened! I thought, DOUG!!!!!!! Are they actually showing DOUG!!! and then it happened, Doug himself appeared! Joyieee! - as Stimpy would say

    So I watched. It was the episode when Doug has a party at his house and Rog makes them play truth or dare. Scenes at the what was it - Hog Burger? whatever there fast food joint was, and any dancing scenes are the best. Theres always a lot of boom-ba-da-da-chut-to-da-da - this crazy music made up with the creators or whoevers mouth. I loved that show! ahhhh

    - weekdays at 2 people, well at least on regular Nickelodeon. Understand I have basic basic basic cable - not noggin and boom n2 thats on my sis's satellite where I was fortunate to catch Doug at like 337 in the morning.

    Ahh wee oooo - killer tofuuuuuu e-ow-e <-- best episode of Doug ever, when they meet the Beets