
now, with the trilogy of great X-Men films, Cyclops has wrongly become the whiney, least liked leader of the X-Men. He's like the symbol of pitiful mutant, which he should never ever ever be. Here's why Cyke does not suck, and actually, RULES:
- one of the most powerful mutants
- depth of his charecter
- the cool glasses
Cyclops' power is to shoot a concussive force from his eyes. This power can't be controlled because he hit his head after falling outta a plane as a child (well, recently, its come about that he simply gave up his control whilst a teenager). Either way, because the power can't be controlled, that sorta means there's no limit to it, right? One of my favorite displays of his power came in an issue of Astonishing X-Men, where he blew a sentinel completely away from the woods of the X-mansion, he did say, "Get off my lawn." Cyke rules
and this is why Stan is the man of all comics, he gave Scott Summers such a story, not just him, but a whole lotta other marvel peeps too. Scott Summers has issues! Most rudimentary: he can't look anyone in the eye. That simple flaw in his whole being just gives way to a big pandora's box of what is wrong with him. Stan Lee, has revealed to the masses the negative possibilities when u don't look anyone in ur life in the eye. Scott Summers isn't really a blind man, cos he's able to see, but the effects of him not plainly looking back at people: he's detached, has attachment issues, marital problems, over worked, obsessed with his career, blah blah, but all those things make his story so great.
throughout his costume history, Cyclops has had pretty weird outfits and matching goggles, but for the most part, they were cool in their own time. He always looks sharp in the shades at nite.
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