- MARCH 1; history base and study in theory and practice of museology; collaborating depts: History, Anthropology, Art & Art History, Missouri Historical Society; cirriculum focuses on changing view of museum as relationships between themand community
- must apply specifically for concentration, 3.2 GPA in major, 3 letters, writing sample, mus stds supplemental app including statement of intent for pursuing a museum career
- Jay Rounds
phD in anth, research changing social role of museums, museums as places of making of meaning
George Washington, Museum Studies Program
- specialization in collections management, management/administration, exhibition development/design; focus on academic core: anth, american stds, history; can also do interdisciplinary
- statement of purpose: additional info about yourself that is pertinent to app: previous expereince, academic obj, career goals; 250-500 wds; 2 letters
- Ildiko DeAngelis
director; focus on legal, ethical, policy issues in managing museum collections; seminar in cultural property - Kym Rice
asst director, exhibitions and interpretation,recent exhibitions: Before Freedom Came: Af-am Life in Antebellum South, Southern City, National Ambition: growth of Early Washington, DC 1800-1860; A Woman's War: Southern Women, Civil War, and Confederate Legacy; book: For the Entertainment of Freinds and Strangers: The Role of the Tavern in Early American Life - Barbara Brennen
exhibition designer at Air & Space - Jessica Luke
works at Institute for Learning Innovation, studys learning in museums, focus on museums and community with youth development and parents involvment - Daniel Rogers
dept chair for anthropology, curator of archeology at museum of natural history; while at Smithsonian dealt with how museums interact with their audiences; develping audience diversity, community partnerships, trends in museum organization - Phillip Speiss
history of museum; articles: Museums Studies, are they doing their job? Museum News Dec 1996
San Francisco State-Museum Stds
- MARCH 1; curation, mus education, management, collections/registration managment emphasis areas
- min 3.0 in last 30 credits, 6 months in museums; 2 letters; schedule interview b4 Mar 1st;
- statement of purpose: outline background, intentions and goals, specify as closely as possible theie career emphasis they wish to pursue; 500 words or less
- Susie Chung
teaching courses focusing on communications function of museums and heritage institutions
research: philosophy of museums, university museums, intangible heritage, heritage planning, heritage tourism, diversity of cultures
interested in possibility to link and sustain tangible and intangible heritage as a system in museums - Linda Ellis
chair, previously taught scientific applications to cultural objects;
teaches: history and organization of museums, exhibit design, museum education, curatorship and collections, censorship and culture wars in museums
published on application of science to ancient archeology, arch method and theory
George Mason, concentration:American; path: applied APR 15th
- applied history path: for students seeking expertise in historical preservation, museum studies, archives management
- in 750-1000 wds: state professional plans & career objectives; include personal qualities and development and how they have influenced your career choice; reasons for this degree in your academic background; professional work experience and career goals; reason fro selecting program at GMU from online application
- 2 letters of recc; GRE; resume;
- statement: explain academic credentials, professional background, intellectual interest in Mason, ultimate career goals
- Joan Bristol
classes: colonail latin america, comparitive slavery; interest social/cultural history - Benedict Carton
book: Blood from your Children: Colonial Origins of Generational Conflict in South Africa; interests - Africa, oral history - Sheila ffolliott
courses: Rome in Renaissance, Art and Mateiral Culture, The Museum - Lois Horton
books: Slavery and Public History: the Taught Stuff of American Memory; Slavery and the Making of America; writes on American identity, race/class/gender, 19th c black struggles for freedom - Meridith Lair
interests: post 40s social/cultural history, War and American society - Alison Landsberg
book:Prosthetic Memory: Transformance of American Remembrance in the Age of Mass Culture - mass cultural technologies(experiential museums) have made it possible for ppl to take on memories of events they didn't live through; interests: early cinema, race and slef-making, museums and the installation of memory
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