26 March 2006

a funny thing happened...

...on the metro today. I'm sure something funny happens on the metro everyday, but today on the blue line in the direction of largo at Metro Center, mass panic was almost incited in one tourist family. As the good ol "Doors Closing" chimed in, one lil 7-10 year old boy thought he'd act out one of the many movie/tv scenes he's seen in his little life and quickly dash between the closing doors and catch the train before it pulled off the platform. The problem was - he is in fact a 7 year old tourist and not some wall street or washington politico, who was leaving his family behind him on the platform.

It was shocking and hilarious in that order. As soon as the boy celebrated his victory of making it inside the doors, he also realized his mom was outside of those doors, separated from him. He started to flail his arms wildly cos he saw his mom doing that to the conductor at the front of the train and was like 'what am I supposed to do?' Luckily, there was a gaggle of the metro officers in the construction worker vests just standing at the next car over so they saw her and was able to stop the train 5 seconds after it had just started to move on to the next station.

But in that weird space of time when the doors were already closed and the train was just sittin there - some calm kind souls near the detached boy gently said to him 'it's ok just get off at the next stop.' Had the train actually left with him on it I'm sure they would've taken it upon themselves to give the guy a quick lesson in metro traveling tips and safety.

Ahh - I love those moments on the metro when everyone in the train is united in a similar feeling (well, good feeling or emotion). As soon as the lil one exited the door and was reunited with his mum, everyone in that car started cracking up. People laughed, chuckled, smirked and did reenactments of the boys confusion and arm flailing dance for a good two more stops till we got to the Smithsonian - which should just statistically have more occurrences like that b/c that is THE tourist stop.

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