05 March 2006

oscar bs

The oscars every year bring about stupid discussions, comparisons, and observations. I heard one such comparison last week on a morning radio show. The host asked the stupid "expert"-analyst guy which actor would win. So the guy was like Phillip Seymour Hoffman should be a shoe-in. Then they went off on a tangent and radio show host's sidekick was like - "well, why isnt there any buzz for Joaquin Phoenix? I mean if Jamie Foxx could win last year..." and on and on and on. Some of his highlights of what Jamie Foxx did were: thinking that he had sung in the film, comparing his music career (or what this ass only knows of it) to how Meryl Streep sung in some film "but she didnt make an album after that," and Joaquin actually learned how to sing and played a guy whose brother died and had a tough hard life! Well, well, well, mr radio show sidekick - look how ignorant u are.

Jamie Foxx did sing in Ray - if the idiot had seen any segment/highlight/clip of any interview Jamie Foxx did last year he was always sure to mention how leading into some of hte performances - it was HIS vocals. But more than that Jamie Foxx also PLAYED in the movie - does this idiot know how talented Ray Charles was? how difficult it is to play alongside him? Next - Jamie did not just get the ego bug and say "hey I imitated Ray Charles - I can sing and release my own album now!" If the stupid radio show sidekick's mind was big enough to listen to music outside of top colorless forty and classic rock - he might've remembered Jamie Foxx released at least one album before. And it had a hit single, "Infatuation," released when I was like in middle school or somethin - 1994. Jamie's been at this for a long while - he just has the tools and privileges that radio sidekick man takes for granted to make the album a success. And then... Johnny Cash is so much more harder to play because he lost his brother, was the man in black blah blah. First off, I'm sure the two great deceased musicians would never have wanted the movie depictions of their lives compared in such a stupid way - they would've liked for us just to appreciate the damn movie.

why they always need to drink from the haterade? it's like instance #375292 of white people making some excuse/complaint when another gets the prize. greedy bums

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