24 February 2006

please hammer just hurt 'em!

I'm still at work, there have been no tours today (sigh), but I made such a neat discovery I just had to write a blog about it (wanna hear it, here it goes...)

MC Hammer has a blog!! wow! and it looks like he's talking about dancing and stuff - how cool is that?!? Just to share a bit of my MC Hammer nostalgia - I had one pair of parachute pants, they were of such importance and symbolized such an uplifted status to me that I wore them to my tryout to get into karate class when I was in the third grade. They were some awful multi-color combination madness, had a matching top too that was a double layer white tee with a tank top of the same print over it. Thinking of that visual in my mind makes my eyes hurt. To top THAT off I think theres even this picture of me posing in the outfit with my rollerblades on. o dear

o yeah - annnnd - one of my cousins was one of his turntable people. He was in the background when Hammer and his troupe were on Oprah - I happily spread that word around my class for about a week. He now is a DJ on the radio in Jackson or Hattiesburg, MS.

ahhh MC Hammer - I still know all the words to his songs

1 comment:

Aerdna said...

I tink I have that pic!